Leader Team Dr El-Hadi Mehallel e.Mehellal@univ-djelfa.dz The main objective of the Mobile Networks & Wireless Networks (MNWN) team is to carry out research, development and teaching activities in various areas of telecommunications systems. The team works dedicated to the development of new modulation techniques and access methods for future wireless and radio-mobile communication systems in order to minimize/eliminate the various problems that affect and degrade the performance of the overall systems. We are also interested in techniques of securing the physical layer in wireless and radio-mobile communication networks which open an innovative path towards cryptography. The areas of research developed within the team are: – Mobile radio communication systems – MIMO and massive MIMO communication systems. – Multi-carrier modulations for future communication systems. – Modeling, estimation and equalization of the mobile radio channel. – Mobile cellular networks and wireless sensor networks. – Design and development of RF systems. – Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication techniques – Signal processing for telecommunications. – Securing the physical layer of wireless and mobile radio communication systems. |
Team Members
Dr Hadi Mehallel | HDR | e.mehallel@univ-djelfa.dz | https://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&user=i9fh0m8AAAAJ |
Dr Slimane Benmahmoud | HDR | s.benmahmoud@univ-msila.dz | https://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&user=3bvYFJUAAAAJ |
Dr Boubakeur Latreche | HDR | b.latreche@univ-djelfa.dz | https://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&user=mKroE-gAAAAJ |
Dr Mohamed Bourennane | HDR | m.bouraennane@univ.djelfa.dz | https://scholar.google.fr/citations?hl=fr&user=6ytFkC0AAAAJ |
Dr Atef Benhaouas | HDR | a.benhaoues@univ-soukahras.dz |